Looking for expertise to automate my sales order to invoicing system. or lack there of, Karachi

Deal Score0
Deal Score0

Job Posted: 16.10.2021 7:52:18

Small business start up in telesales. We are for now a small team of 3 to 5 employees and I am crippling my business because I’m spending too much time not selling. What we need is so simple but so beyond my scope of knowledge. Our current processes Call lead, sell lead on an open 15-30 day invoice, salespeople go to a shared google sheets sheet, write up lead’s contact information and shipping info on Google sheets, then I meticulously copy and paste all that information into my shipping dashboard on sendle.com, then i make an invoice, send it out via post, email and text. then i make collections notes on google sheets. It’s absolutely terrible! . Bi thought there would be some type of a all in one system for me but nothing is what I need. I’m way too complex and way too expensive What I basically need is an order form that can automate into an invoice and that can be put into QuickBooks or invoice ninja or any other way to track invoicing

Project Length:

Less than 1 month

Hours Needed:

Less than 30 hrs/week

Hourly Price:


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