Machine learning and data processing, mining, visualisation, reporting (with Python and R)., Lahore

Deal Score0
Deal Score0

Job Posted: 01.04.2021 14:56:03

We are looking for a great developer and data analyst that is good with data mining, preprocessing, visualisation and reporting, using both Python and R programming languages. Who also has a very good understanding of machine learning (e.g., knows very well Python packages like Tensorflow and Sckikitlearn). The job will consist on: 1. Extracting data from an online platform, preprocessing it, performing descriptive and inferential statistics on the data (preferably through R). 2. Developing and comparing different machine learning models for natural language processing and visual classification (including both classic models, such as Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Naive Bayes, as well as neural networks, such as CNN, RNN, or transformers, such as BERT). 3. Being able to train and compare the models based on various variables (such as Cohen’s kappa, accuracy, precision, AUC, recall, etc). 4. The candidate should be very good at creating reports about the results, as well as write code (both in Python and R) that is easily understandable by third parties. The job will be for an initial period of 4 months, with the option to extend it for up to 2 years (depending on the results of the first period). The position will be half time (18 hours per week), with a reference brut salary of 3700 EUR (for a full-time position). Candidates will have to pass a preliminary test prior to the selection.

Project Length:

More than 6 months

Hours Needed:


Fixed Price:


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