Sourcing hunting products , Karachi

Deal Score0
Deal Score0

Job Posted: 12.06.2021 13:39:35

Perform remote clerical tasks, blog & website content writing, social media & traditional marketing. Use computers for various applications, such as database management or word processing. Create, maintain, and enter information into databases. Set up and manage paper or electronic filing systems, recording information, updating paperwork, or maintaining documents. Collect and analyze Web metrics, such as visits, time on site, page views per visit, transaction volume and revenue, traffic mix, cost per acquisition, or cost per click. Coordinate with developers to optimize Web site architecture, server configuration, or page construction for search engine consumption and optimal visibility. Conduct online marketing initiatives, such as paid ad placement, affiliate programs, sponsorship programs, email promotions, or viral marketing campaigns on social media Web sites. Seek and provide information to help companies determine their position in the marketplace.

Project Length:

Less than 1 month

Hours Needed:


Fixed Price:


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