Speaker ,very good in speaking, Karachi

Deal Score0
Deal Score0

Job Posted: 07.06.2021 11:24:05

good speaker , Rubbing one eye. When you hear “I guess you’re right,” and the speaker is rubbing one eye, guess again. Rubbing one eye often is a signal that the speaker is having trouble inwardly accepting something. Tapping feet. When a statement is accompanied by foot-tapping, it usually indicates a lack of confidence in what is being said. Rubbing fingers. When you see the thumb and forefinger rubbing together, it often means that the speaker is holding something back. Staring and blinking. When you see the other person staring at the ceiling and blinking rapidly, the topic at hand is under consideration. Crooked smiles. Most genuine smiles are symmetrical. And most facial expressions are fleeting. If a smile is noticeably crooked, you’re probably looking at a fake one. Eyes that avoid contact. Poor eye contact can be a sign of low self-esteem, but it can also indicate that the speaker is not being truthful. It would be unwise to make a decision based solely on these visible signals. But they can give you valuable tips on the kind of questions to ask and the kind of answers to be alert for.

Project Length:

1 to 3 months

Hours Needed:

Less than 30 hrs/week

Hourly Price:


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