Amazon mTurk Job Description, Lahore

Deal Score0
Deal Score0

Job Posted: 26.02.2021 20:00:09

12+3=? Hey there, we are currently looking for someone who will help us publish a job on Amazon mTurk. It is basically a Data Entry job and we have a large csv file (1000+ rows) which needs to be sliced. We heard that Amazon does that automatically but we still need help to publish our job description as a requester. The csv files contains data which will be looked up on the internet and missing data will be filled by mTurks. We want to automatically release/approve an assignment batch as soon as two different requesters tipped in the same values. Somebody who is experienced with Amazon mTurk probably only needs 15-20 min complete the job description and make it ready for Amazon mTurk. The anwser to the first question is nineteen, if you want to be considered for the job please reply to the question. Kind regards

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